Executive Coaching


Executive Coaching | Corporate Training | Inspire Business Success

Are you looking to enhance your leadership and team building skills?

Do you wrestle with balancing work and family, with the stress of responsibilities often going home with you?
Do you want support in dealing with challenging employees, clients or investors?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, or if you simply have an idea that you are living only a portion of who you can be as a leader and you are interested in discovering what more is possible, then you may want to consider Executive Coaching with iNSPIRE BUSINESS SUCCESS.

Whatever your dream, goals or vision, working with Lisa Kalmin and Lynne Sheridan will support you in achieving career success, team building, reduction in stress, optimum health, connected relationships, as well as experiencing freedom. Lynne and Lisa have over 53 years of coaching and training experience combined. If you would like to give yourself the gift of accomplishment, then consider dedicated partners in reaching your goals, dreams and aspirations.

Transformational vs. Transactional

The distinction of iNSPIRE BUSINESS SUCCESS’ Executive Coaching is transformational vs. transactional. The focus of transformational coaching is on who you are “being” as well as any strategy that will support your commitments. In looking at who you are being, Lynne and Lisa will dive into your mindset and paradigm, your belief system. In seeing your mindset or belief system, you often have an immediate shift and quantum leap results. You may or may not end of shifting your actions.

As the leader, or one of the leaders of your organization, your context shapes and directs the environment of the entire company. Like the lead plane of the US Navy’s Blue Angels, wherever the lead plane goes, all the other planes follow. You are that for your organization, both in leadership and example.

Transformational coaching is designed to empower you to:

  • Clarify and expand your corporate and personal vision;
  • Identify, set and accomplish clear and measurable goals;
  • Define or redefine what is it that is important to you;
  • Determine not only the actions needed to accomplish goals, but access the qualities and characteristics to produce the result;
  • Inspire you to breakthrough perceived barriers and obstacles, both micro and macro.

Are you curious about discovering what is possible though being the pacesetter for your team?

This article gives a good idea of what can be possible:
(Feel free to read the following article on the benefits of Executive Coaching)

The Value of Coaching – a Business Strategy for Competitive Edge”
By Rita Balian Allen, Rita B. Allen Associates

Executive coaching has become a highly desirable offering in many successful companies and viewed as an effective retention tool. Organizations that want to…



More Connected and Committed Team

“I was introduced to the potential of Lynne and Lisa’s experiential training methods by a colleague. I expressed an interest in coaching for my leadership team as two of my managers were experiencing tension that was becoming detrimental to our team’s ability to succeed. He explained that their coaching and training was unlike any he’d experienced and recommended I consider their approach before any other. I wanted our entire team to grow and not just the ones experiencing the tension between each other. The training was unlike any other I or my leadership team participated in. We each grew tremendously as individuals and as a group. We each learned qualities about ourselves that we derived from our youth and why or how that impacts our behavior, decision-making or thought process. As a result, our team is more connected and committed to each other and our business’ growth. I recommend Lynne and Lisa’s coaching and training to anyone that want’s uninhibited growth from their individuals and team. I’ve also brought them on as my personal coaches for business and life.”

Dave Ferrera CEO, Blockade Medical A Balt Co