Influential Speaking and Presenting

Public Speaking | Speaking and Presenting | Inspire Business Success

According to a BBC report:

The importance of public speaking in your career:
A survey of more than 600 employers in 2014 found that among the top skills recruiters look for, “oral communication” was number one and “presentation skills” number four. Of those who did present, nearly 70% agreed it was critical to their success at work.

“Public speaking is no longer optional in your professional life,” agrees speaking coach Steve Bustin, author of The Authority Guide to Presenting and Public Speaking.

  • Are you a group leader in your career?
  • Are you a technical facilitator or a sales trainer?
  • Do you speak in front of investors?
  • Do you want to influence your audience and add value to your presentations?
  • Are you a network marketer with a team of leaders to inspire?

Influential speaking and presenting is an art. An art that takes commitment and dedication to master.

You and your team will:

  • Learn and experience the “beingness” of being a successful speaker and presenter
  • Learn a powerful speaking and training process that can work in any industry with any content
  • Practice really connecting with your audience so they are touched, moved and inspired
  • Receive supportive feedback before you go “live”
  • Begin to learn to sell and enroll from the front of the room
  • Learn how to move your audience to action
  • Overcome your fear of speaking in front of people

The two and one half day Influential Speaking and Presenting Course can be facilitated in-house to your sales team, trainers, and speakers. Or if preferred, your team may attend a 3 day public course presented through our public training company,