There’s Something About Integrity…

There’s Something About Integrity…

1. firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2: an unimpaired condition: soundness
3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided: completeness

For many CEOs and Corporate Executives, Integrity is make-or-break for the company. Often people think integrity is centered around honesty and that is a start. The definition actually has to do with “wholeness,” especially being whole with yourself. It is from the Latin meaning soundness, wholeness, completeness.

And this one word has more to with why CEOs thrive and create success or why they crash and burn.

What is exciting about this definition is incorruptibility! That as the leader of your organization you are incorruptible as it relates to the values of the organization and personally, your values as a leader.

Think about the kind of integrity it took for Martin Luther King, Jr. to stand on the bridge in Selma, Alabama facing the National Guard. Think of the kind of integrity it took in 1961 for John F. Kennedy to say the US will put a man on the moon by the end of the decade even though the scientists sitting on stage with him said, “No” we can’t do it by then. Incorruptibility!

There’s something about integrity in this way that is powerful, potent, transformative. When you see people standing in their own integrity (and everyone’s is different), even in the face of danger, failure, rejection, ridicule, harassment, betrayal, and in the extreme death, something moves in you as a human being. You take notice, you pay attention, turn your head, respect their courage, pray for their safekeeping; whether you agree with the subject matter or not.

At iNSPIRE BUSINESS SUCCESS, we believe every human being has a longing for integrity. No one is saying you are “not” in integrity in your life. And if you have ever been completely taken over by something bigger than yourself; a vision, purpose, mission, you know what making choices from your integrity feels and looks like. You chose based on the wholeness and incorruptibility of your vision and mission. Nothing else would do. Your power came from within and was potent and clear.

As a leader in your organization, what are the guiding values and principles out of which you live and operate? Take a moment to ask yourself, what are YOUR guiding principles? Not your organization’s…not your parents’ or friends’; yours? Are you leading from those principles? Are you making decisions that align with your integrity even if they are challenging or unpopular.

Do a quick mental scan of your staff. Are there conversations to be had with people you work with or manage that you have been avoiding? Perhaps they are not living up to their potential or could be bringing more of themselves to their position. Are there folks you could be mentoring or supporting more powerfully? Are you fully expressing your talents with your teammates? Is there a decision you have been avoiding because it is uncomfortable or may generate some “noise.”

And, where might you be “out” with you? Perhaps it is your self care. Are you eating well, exercising, meditating, going to yoga, maintaining your prayer practice?

Maybe you are “out” in your relationships, romantic or family/friends. Are you not speaking with honesty, authenticity? Are you withholding your love and appreciation because of some hurt or resentment? Are you being the husband, wife, or parent you want to be? Or the son, daughter or sibling you want to be?

At iNSPIRE BUSINESS SUCCESS, we work with CEOs and Corporate Executives to come into integrity with themselves in a way that powerfully impacts the entire leadership team, organization and bottom line results.

What are you being called to be and do? There is a sign in our trainings that gets bigger every day: WHAT AM I PRETENDING NOT TO KNOW?

What would your answer to that question be?

If there was something about Mary, there is definitely something about integrity! Whatever that is for you, living from that place will not only give you personal power, it will give you personal peace.