Art of Effective Communication

Effective Communication | Inspire Business Success

How would you like to communicate effectively with all different styles of people? Have you ever felt like you and the person you are talking to are on different planets? This powerful workshop will give you effective communication tools. These tools are necessary to connect, understand, and inspire your co-workers, clients and customers to take ACTION!

Each of us falls into one of four Behavioral Styles. These styles are influenced by your upbringing, life experiences, and worldview. You will increase your effectiveness with the people you work with, live with and influence. Effectiveness is increased to the extent you know how to possess effective communication skills and motivate each style. Seventy-five percent of the world does not “see it” the way you do! Find out how to connect and influence each style while making them happier clients and customers.

In this experiential workshop:

  • You will learn hat the 4 Behavioral Styles are and how to identify them. You will learn 3 cues. First, the visual cue. Second, the auditory cue. And finally, the behavioral cue.
  • You will learn which style you are. Do you play to your strengths? Do you diminish your weaknesses? You will have
    profound insight about why your relationships, both personal and professional, play out
    the way they do.
  • You will learn ways that inspire each different Behavioral Style to action. With this, you will increase 3 aspects: first, your influence; second, your
    leadership; and lastly, your success.
  • You will learn to “connect” with what your clients, customers and co-workers really want. As a result, you will increase satisfaction for both parties.
  • At the end of the training, you will gain a proven effective communication tool. This tool allows you to be heard, understood and empowered. In addition, this also allows you to understand and empower people around you.


Huge Breakthroughs

"The Behavioral Matrix workshop provided me with the insight and tools that have allowed me to significantly improve the closing ratio of my prospects and ultimately increase sales. Since sales is really a business about relationships, in which people buy the person before they buy a product or service, this training created huge breakthroughs for me and my team in the area of relationship building. I am able to use the training to quickly identify the behavioral style of my prospects, so I can adjust my style of communication to speak to their core values. This has allowed me to build trust, understanding and stronger relationships more consistently and more rapidly among my customers and prospects. Similarly I have used the training to build more connected relationships with my team, resulting in better communication, more rapid resolution of issues and increased productivity. This is a training that everyone in business can use right away to impact the bottom line."

Mary Kay M. Business Owner San Diego, Ca.

Most Valuable

"I am a big believer in the value of the behavioral matrix seminars. As a leader for a sales oriented organization, I regularly use what I have learned from this program. I have experienced several "personality profile" programs and find this the most valuable in terms of cost and ability to apply what is learned not only in the work space but in personal relationships as well. Whether it is team building, sales training or relationship development the behavioral workshop has tremendous value and is presented in a way to have long lasting effect. "

Doug Ireland Branch Manager

"I learned so much about different communication styles and was able to learn about everyone else’s communication styles. I was able to apply the material personally to my life simply because both of your examples and explanations were straight to the point. It was very easy to understand and to relate. I feel like my approach will be different and will definitely help me communicate with [coworkers] in the future. This is he one of the best trainings I have taken regarding personal relevance."

"I will be using a lot of this with friendships and other relationships. Also, I will use it to help develop myself. This is the best training I’ve had because it’s going to be useful in all aspects of life."

"I have taken a number of communication classes, but got most out o this course regarding myself and needing to feel empowered. I recently switched positions and have been feeling resentful in my new job and better understand why and was able to communicate that with my supervisor in today’s course."