Four-Day Second-Level


This team training is for teams that have participated in the two or three-day Level 1 Courses and is custom designed to serve each team member in a personal breakthrough and the team in a collective breakthrough.

After the initial two or three-day training, Ms. Kalmin and Ms. Sheridan meet with team leads to clarify areas for continued growth, breakthrough and objectives for the company. Through intensive highly experiential process, teams solidify breakthroughs achieved and begin to answer for the whole team, not just their area of focus. Team members walk away with a willingness to do anything to support the team.

Level 2 empowers each team member to powerfully let go of their limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors. Participants will also have an opportunity to reconnect with their most authentic and heart-felt selves. The impact of Level 2 is that team members are at stake for their personal, team and global vision, feeling unstoppable in their purpose.

IBS conducts team training in retreat-style. Team members stay at a hotel away from home. They will receive individual calls to prepare for this highly-experiential team training. Furthermore, team members will explore their personal objectives and concerns. Surveys and Evaluations are issued post training for clear indication of whether the objectives were met. Follow-up sessions available to support implementation.


More Connected and Committed Team

“I was introduced to the potential of Lynne and Lisa’s experiential training methods by a colleague. I expressed an interest in coaching for my leadership team as two of my managers were experiencing tension that was becoming detrimental to our team’s ability to succeed. He explained that their coaching and training was unlike any he’d experienced and recommended I consider their approach before any other. I wanted our entire team to grow and not just the ones experiencing the tension between each other. The training was unlike any other I or my leadership team participated in. We each grew tremendously as individuals and as a group. We each learned qualities about ourselves that we derived from our youth and why or how that impacts our behavior, decision-making or thought process. As a result, our team is more connected and committed to each other and our business’ growth. I recommend Lynne and Lisa’s coaching and training to anyone that want’s uninhibited growth from their individuals and team. I’ve also brought them on as my personal coaches for business and life.”

Dave Ferrera CEO, Blockade Medical A Balt Co