About The Trainers


Inspire Business Success | leadership trainers

Inspire Business Success leadership trainers, Ms. Kalmin and Ms. Sheridan, are both trained extensively in Ontology. It is the study of the being, which is distinct from trainings that focus on a specific skill set or learning ‘how’ to do something. What is exciting about this work is that participants often do not need to dramatically alter what they are doing. Rather, a shift in how they are showing up directly translates into results.

IBS trainings are not boring and do not use a lot of information using power-point. Our trainings are not something that people can observe, watch or take notes. They are highly interactive work with experiential exercises so that participants can see themselves in action. Furthermore, they will be able to notice what they may not have been aware of prior to the
training. Just like when we learned how to ride a bike, that information is forever ingrained at a cellular level. This is the power of experiential learning that involves the head, body and heart of each person being brought forth.

Getting Insight Into a Person’s Mindset

Most people increase the actions they are doing, work harder, devoting more time and energy, to create a different result. This often impacts the outcome, but sometimes it doesn’t. In our training work, participants have a chance to shift how they are being and showing up for other people. For example, the shift may involve an employee who’s been more tentative or lacking confidence, to suddenly become more powerful and confident. Or it could involve a team leader who is too abrasive and direct, learning to listen and genuinely care about his or her charges, so that they want to work harder. Or an employee who is very analytical and logical, but not so great at risk taking. After the training, work will be more spontaneous and risking, while maintaining the logic and analysis. An employee who is incredibly creative will have that creativity channeled into results and follow through.

Through observing behaviors, attitudes, and listening to language, both leadership trainers, Ms. Kalmin and Ms. Sheridan have insight into the paradigm, belief system, or mindset that the person is operating from. If you could be recorded over a 24-hour period and then played the tape back and watched it objectively, you would see things about yourself that you are not aware of. You would probably be excited by some of what you saw. Additionally, you would be proud of yourself or feel good about what you witnessed in yourself. And there would be other things you noticed about yourself that may surprise or disappoint you, or that you don’t feel works very well.

The Experience of The Training Work of Inspire Business Success

The real key would be to watch it objectively. For every one of us, there are ways that we are showing up that serve our goals and results, and there are ways of being and acting that are undermining us.

Another way of saying it is that when a fish is in water, that fish is unaware that water exists. Or that he is in the water. But when someone reaches in and pulls the fish into the air, the fish now is acutely aware of the fact that water exists and he is no longer in it. This is often the experience of the training work of Inspire Business Success and its leadership trainers.

The most exciting aspect of this work is that Inspire Business Success isn’t just a business training. The work done will directly translate across all areas of the participants lives, with husbands and wives, children, health and well-being, as well as work successes. For companies that are committed to working holistically and supporting the entire person, Inspire Business Success translates into results across the board.

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