Outdoor Challenge Course

Challenge Course | Trainings | Inspire Business Success

Do you want training time as colleagues to result in increased teamwork, collaboration and improved
relationships between your team? Are you looking for results that occur immediately and also hold over time? Do you also want the training to be fun, experiential and alive learning? If so, then a Challenge Course is what you are looking for. At this point there are a host of studies showing the benefits of Challenge Courses with all ages and in a wide variety of settings.

Challenge Courses can include both high-rope elements as well as low-challenge courses. Alongside, a technical facilitator works to support spotters and ensure the safety of participants. Inspire Business Success also provides two trainer/coaches who draw parallels of what is occurring on the course to what occurs in the person’s life, work and relationships. The Inspire Business Success Challenge Course focuses on collaboration, communication, problem-solving, leadership,
trust and leadership.

Benefits of Outdoor Challenge Courses

With ample research showing the benefit of outdoor challenge courses, these Challenge Courses are gaining popularity among organizations. In addition, schools and Fortune 500 companies also show interest in this course. Even religious groups, teams, and other groups look at Challenge Courses as a way to improve leadership. These groups and organizations also use Challenge Courses for team-building. Psychologist and philosopher John Dewey wrote “there is an intimate and necessary relation between the processes of actual experience and education.” In other words, experiential learning is lasting and impactful.

There is now a growing body of research on Challenge Courses, which have recently become more popular because of economic feasibility. This research includes a study of shorter four-hour Challenge Courses. In this study, research showed that the course significantly increased the participant’s levels of leadership. Moreover, this study also showed increase in work efficacy. These results were significant and lasting. Other research showed that Challenge Course activities highlight the importance of relationships and that team-building qualities are positively impacted through the use of this experiential learning. In Challenge Courses teams must work together to complete tasks and overcome obstacles, which directly translated into work efficacy being increased post-course. Participants continued to demonstrate an increase in leadership skills and work efficacy in follow up tests.

Through the Inspire Business Success team building experiences, leadership and relationship experiences, your team will learn more about themselves. Also, your team will learn how to operate more efficiently and successfully as a team. And that directly translates into greater effectiveness in your work