


Empathy - Inspire Business Success Blog

Recently I’ve been reading plenty of articles detailing how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already changing our world, with projections of catastrophic job losses, and human beings being replaced by computers. A McKinsey Global Report says that Automation could destroy as many as 73 million U.S. jobs by 2030, and Oxford University projects that 47% of jobs will be eliminated in the next twenty-five years. That’s a lot to take in. AI is on track to take over for humanity, and if warnings from people like Stephen Hawkins are not heeded, possibly take over humanity. Essentially, in a very short time, AI will do just about everything better than human beings. Keep on reading!

The Three Pillars of Leadership

The Three Pillars of Leadership

You are the CEO, COO or one of the top executives in your company or you are the founder and owner of the company. You got here with hard work, dedication, commitment, risk and often blood, sweat, and tears. Congratulations, you have obviously demonstrated your leadership!

AND, even though you have the title, the evidence, and the results, your “title” is not what makes you a leader. At iNSPIRE BUSINESS SUCCESS, we believe there are three key pillars to you being an extraordinary leader. Keep on reading!

There’s Something About Integrity…

There’s Something About Integrity…

1. firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2: an unimpaired condition: soundness
3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided: completeness

For many CEOs and Corporate Executives, Integrity is make-or-break for the company. Often people think integrity is centered around honesty and that is a start. The definition actually has to do with “wholeness,” especially being whole with yourself. It is from the Latin meaning soundness, wholeness, completeness. Keep on reading!

When You’re a Hammer

When you’re a hammer…

…Everything is a nail. I first heard that expression about twenty-five years ago and I didn’t quite understand what it meant. It took me a little time to really see it in action. When someone has a way of operating in their life that doesn’t change, they are a hammer and everything is a nail. A manager who consistently looks outside of themselves for answers – someone on the leadership team who is a constant state of analysis – the one who makes everything into a joke at meetings when things are trying to be done – all hammers. Every new scenario or new person is met in the same exact way of operating, like a violin that only plays one chord.

But when the single chord that is being played is a need for control, it can feel like a double hammer. It’s like a radio that just can’t be turned down. They take a blow torch to the candle on the cake, when a light breath would extinguish the flames. When a manager is a ‘double hammer’ it costs customers, burns out loyalty and silences and frustrates coworkers. Keep on reading!